08.00-08.30 | Ankunft, Anmeldung, Kaffee |
08.30-08.45 | Kurze Begrüssung Robert Wegener, Kongressmoderation |
Learning from others?! Researching Coaching in Anglo-Saxon Countries ! DIE FOLGENDEN BEITRÄGE WERDEN AM KONGRESS AUF DEUTSCH ÜBERSETZT ! | |
08.45-09.25 | 4. Keynote Researching Coaching: A critical perspective Dr. Bob Garvey Sheffield Hallam University, UK |
09.25-09.55 | Kaffeepause & Tagungs-Think-Tank |
09.55-10.35 | 5. Keynote Innovative ways to research coaching Dr. Elaine Cox Oxford Brooks University, UK |
10.35-11.15 | 6. Keynote What is evidence, anyway? Reflections on it’s role in professional practice Dr. David B. Drake Center for Narrative Coaching, Australia |
11.15-11.45 | What have we learned?! Open discussion with Bob Garvey, Elaine Cox and David B. Drake |
11.45-13.00 | Stehlunch & Kongress-Think-Tank |